Thursday, February 21, 2008

Huge update

I really am sorry I have been gone so long and haven't updated. We took our son down to the hospital, and got worse news than we expected, and I am now playing catch up trying to keep everything running smoothly!

I took some "me" time last week and put together a layout. That was incredibly fun! I have to do that more often. I made the majority of the products on here, and the credits are here.

While we were at the hospital I worked on making some new products. There is a HUGE storewide sale at Elemental Scraps right now, and along with all the other great deals, you can get the majority of my products for 50% off right now. That makes a ton of my stuff right around the dollar price range!

These two sets of funky mats come with a free set of stitches for each mat.

This was a portion of my contribution to the February Mega Kit, which can be bought right now for $2.50. This kit is packed full of all kinds of goodies.

These frames rank as one of my own personal favorites so far of the items I have designed. I made them all a little different, and used one of them on the layout above.
This set was inspired by this year's flu and cold season! You can buy each part seperately, or buy the full kit.

And I don't think the blinkie preview for this is going to work on the blog, so please click here to see all the different pieces this set comes with. There are circles, squares, hand-drawn borders and doodles, shapes, and a full alphabet. Here is the ad for the store sale. I hope you'll stop by and get some goodies!

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