Sunday, November 18, 2007

Twelve Papers

I love sanded papers. In fact, I find myself reaching for at least one on nearly every layout I make... so I felt it was time to make myself a pile of them. My husband is teasing me and asking if there is any color I didn't get to.... I think I made about 300 of them. I simply do not have the patience to upload that many files, so I put together a set of twelve of my favorites (I love rich colors), and I am probably going to be including various pieces of the others in other projects I am working on. You can download the sampler package here. Enjoy!


Marcy said...

Thank you, beautiful colors!

Scrapmuch said...

great papers - thanks so much@

k9bigdog said...

Thanks very much! Great colors and texture!

donna said...

i love thses papers thank you
ive downloaded them 3 times and keep getting corupt file ;(